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  2. CSOV & Wallet

How do I find my Account ID / Address?

Follow these steps to find your Account ID so you can send it to other people!

  1. Go to the Home Page/Wallet tab.

    Homescreen_Wallet arrow
  2. Click the Deposit button.

    Homescreen_Deposit Arrow
  3. A pop up box will appear with your Account ID!

    Deposit Popup
  4. Click the 'Copy to clipboard' button to copy your Account ID so you can paste it into a chat or an email.

    Copy to Clickboard

*You can send this to anyone or post it anywhere - it's only function is for others to SEND you CSOV!



Want to learn more about the Wallet?

Check out our Navigating the Wallet page for 'FAQ' and 'How to' articles!