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How To Create a Chat

Learn how to create a peer-to-peer chat and a group chat.


Creating a peer-to-peer chat:

  1. Click the + button at the top right of your chat screen.
  2. Start typing the username of who you want to chat with. 
  3. Click the + button to the right of the username.
  4. Select Create and start chatting!
    1. Please note if a chat already exists with this user, you will be taken directly to that chat.

Create a Group Chat:

  1. Follow the directions above for creating a chat. 
  2. After you add one user, start typing the other usernames you want to add. Once you have added everyone, select Next
    1. If this is a 'public 'group chat, please only add users that have requested to join. If you need users to get the group going, feel free to use orionfeedback and orionteam.
  3. Name your group and then select Create. You have the option of adding a profile picture for the group. This can also be added or changed later. 
    1. Please note you are not able to change your group name once created. 
  4. Once the group is created, you can add additional users. 
    1. Click on the group name at the top of the screen.
    2. Select Add and choose members from your contacts list. 
  5. You can also remove members from your group chat. 
    1. Click on the group name at the top if the screen.
    2. Select Members.
    3. Click the three dots to the right of the username and select Remove


Creating a peer-to-peer chat:

  1. Click the + button at the top right of your chat screen.
  2. Start typing the username of who you want to chat with. 
  3. Click the + button to the right of the username.
  4. Select Create and start chatting!
    1. Please note if a chat already exists with this user, you will be taken directly to that chat. 

Create a Group Chat:

  1. Follow the above directions for how to create a chat.
  2. After you add one user, start typing the other usernames you want to add. Once you have added everyone, select Next
    1. If this is a 'public 'group chat, please only add users that have requested to join. If you need users to get the group going, feel free to use orionfeedback and orionteam.
  3. Name your group and then select Create. You have the option of adding a profile picture for the group. This can also be added or changed later.
    1. Please note you are not able to change your group name once created. 
  4. Once the group chat is created, you can add additional users. 
    1. Click on the three lines at the top right inside the chat.
    2. Select Add and choose members from your contact list.
  5. You can also remove members from your group.
    1. Click on the three lines at the top right inside the chat.
    2. Select Members.
    3. Click the three dots to the right of the username and select Remove