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  2. CSOV & Wallet

How do I transfer CSOV?

Learn how to send CSOV to another wallet.

Sending Tokens:

  1. Go to the home screen of your account (or click the wallet icon on the left menu). 
  2. Click the Transfer button on the top right of your Wallet.

    Click Transfer
  3. A Transfer box will appear asking for the Account ID and Amount.

    Transfer box pop up
  4. Enter the recipient's Account ID on the first line (Read the "How do I find my Account ID" article if you need help locating this).

    Transfer box_Account ID arrow

  5. Enter the amount of CSOV you would like to transfer to them on the second line.

    Transfer box_ amount arrow
  6. Then click the Transfer button.

    Transfer_ click transfer


    Want to learn more about the Wallet?

    Check out our Navigating the Wallet page for 'FAQ' and 'How to' articles!