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Crown Sterling Wallet FAQ

Learn about Crown Sterling's wallet, how to create one, and how to use it.

General Questions:

How do I sign up for a Crown Sterling wallet?

Please visit our Getting Started articles where we walk you through the wallet registration step by step.

How do I navigate the wallet?

You can start with our Tour the wallet! article and then we suggest browsing our other 'How to' guide on the Navigating the Wallet page!

How do I invite someone to create an account?

You can send them a link to create their own account, wallet.crownsterling.io.

Is the wallet available in different languages?

Currently the wallet is only available in English.

How do I change my account information?

Currently we have that feature locked on the application, but if you email us at support@crownsterling.io we can get this taken care of for you!

How do I delete my account?

Currently we have that feature locked on the application, but if you email us at support@crownsterling.io we can get this taken care of for you.


How much does the Crown Sterling wallet cost?

Creating a Crown Sterling wallet account is free, as well as receiving CSOV. There is a transaction fee charge each time you transfer CSOV out of your wallet.

Why am I getting charged a transaction fee to transfer or use my tokens?

Transferring any digital currency, including CSOV, across any blockchain incurs a gas fee to validate and log the transaction on the chain. To cover this gas fee and process we charge a transaction fee.

Can I give CSOV tokens to someone else?

Yes. If you purchased CSOV through an exchange, you can transfer tokens to someone else right away. To learn how to transfer CSOV to another user, please visit our how-to article. If you purchased your tokens directly through Crown Sterling, your tokens are subject to a lock up. Once your CSOV have unlocked and displayed in the Active Balance of your wallet, you can make a transfer.

 Can I send & receive messages in this version of the wallet?

We have separated the wallet from the messaging platform. Messaging will now be in ORION, Crown Sterlings quantum-secure messenger. Instead of paying per message like in the prior app, we will implement a monthly subscription for unlimited messaging in ORION. To learn more or join the Beta for Orion, click here


Want to learn more about the wallet?

Check out our Navigating the Wallet page for 'FAQ' and 'How to' articles!